There are thousands of great investigators in the world, but to me through the years the following investigators have shown consistency, reliability , expertise and honesty at what they do. We recommend them 1000% we have worked cases for them and vice versa and the out come has always been nothing but excellence.
B.M. Investigations Inc , Panama , USA, Latin America
Dirección: El Dorado, Plaza Camino de Cruces, Piso 4, oficina 14. Panama city, Panama
Teléfonos Poligrafía: + 507 387 - 8050 / 6673 - 8211
Teléfono Investigaciones: + 507 387 - 0170
B.M. Investigations, Inc. is made up with an excellent group of former military personnel, agents, polygraphists, and specialists who are training constantly and being updated in changes, tools, and technological innovations appearing in our field.
===========================================================================The Latin American Group
Retired FBI, DEA and Former Foreign Police Officials
They are the largest and most experienced investigative consulting firm in Latin America
We have the experience and sources of information in Latin America and the Caribbean that you need! It is estimated that over 90% of the truly local FOREIGN private investigation companies that have websites on the internet have NO EXPERIENCE or provide useless or false information to clients! Also, many individuals from India and China actually create websites claiming to be local private investigators. These fraudsters just prepare identical websites for every country worldwide and know nothing about Latin America or the Caribbean, Most of the firms listed on the internet from the United States have NO FOREIGN professional experience. Why risk placing your case in the hands of companies that have no foreign investigative experience, fraudsters or website creators from India who have never even set foot in the country where they claim to be your local private investigators? Ask us about our legitimate experience abroad. Our credentials are the best in the business.